My New Favorite Cookbook

I've taken a little break from What's for Dinners Wednesdays.  But now I'm ready to start up again.

Today I thought I'd share with you The Dairy - free & Gluten-free Kitchen.

I found this book on Amazon.  I just typed in gluten and dairy free cookbook.  A few came up, but this one definitely looked the yummiest (I'm famous for judging books by their covers-- hasn't lead me wrong yet) so I bought it.  

I really struck gold with this one. Every meal I've tried has been delicious and so yummy. So far it's my only cookbook.  Dinners either come from this book or the internet. 

I love that each recipe is gluten and dairy free, plus at the top it also lists other things it's free of:

Sample view:  This was the first thing I ever made out of this book.  Yummy!!

Remember this fabulous pizza I shared a few months ago?

And one of our favorite dinners that we have almost once a week:  Chicken Vera Cruz.

It includes directions for making the black bean sauce.  I always love making this, especially before I mix it up.  Isn't it pretty?

After the beans are blended all up, you heat them on the stove. 

Here's how we like to eat it.  Chicken Vera Cruz, topped with homemade Pica de gallo sauce, served with cilantro rice, On the Border tortilla chips (naturally GF), and if we're really on the ball fresh pineapple.

Yum, a favorite for sure.

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